Archive for toro del fuego

A Bull Burns Again in Medinaceli

Posted in animal liberation, animal rights, bulfighting, speciesism, traditions with tags , on November 16, 2009 by carmen4thepets

On the second Saturday of November each year  they  beat a bull in Medina, a town of Soria (Castilla y Leon).

For about 23 hours, a group of village youths grabbed a bull in the name of tradition and with a rope twisted his neck to get secured on a wooden pole.

That was just the beginning of a long night for the animal. Then, as every year made use of a dubious value and exploit the animal can not move to approach him and placed two balls on the horns. The unfortunate turn bull, as every year, tried in vain to resist. Still no idea what would happen, but I expected the worst.

Just then, as every year, set fire to the balls and set fires around the animal. Just then released the Toro Jubilo on behalf of national celebration and writhing animal responded with eyes frightened and burned by  the flames and embers pieces that jump from the particular crown of thorns that the locals gave him .

The fire that broke out of his horns and face lit fires of hundreds of spectators, who burst of enthusiasm along with municipal officials, who are the politicians that give part of the municipal budget to pay that public torture an animal.

This happened again, as every year, despite the 7,000 signatures that the Party Animal Abuse Against Bullfighting (Pacman) presented Saturday at the records of the Junta de Castilla y León. These signatures come from citizens of 90 countries, disgusted by the celebration of joy in Medinaceli bull, the bull of fire that only survives in Castile and Leon.

The signatures that were collected in just three weeks, were delivered to the regional government territorial delegation in Soria, supported by 150 protesters who had come to the capital Castile and from Bilbao, Logroño, Madrid and Valladolid.

Exhibicionist Protesters at the gates of the regional headquarters several banners with slogans against animal abuse, including “Stop Bullfighting” and “Bullfight, national shame.


In the manifesto, PACMA struck how in the XXI century in Medinaceli burn an animal alive “like a heretic”.


please,sign the petition:—stop-the-burning-of-live-bulls
