Archive for vegan

If Pigs Could Speak

Posted in animal rights, holocaust, speciesism, veganism with tags , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2010 by carmen4thepets

by Andrew Kirschner

I am a pig.

I am a happy and affectionate animal by nature.

I like to play in the grass and nurture my young.

In the wild, I eat leaves, roots, grass, flowers, and fruits.

I have a terrific sense of smell and I am highly intelligent.

I am a pig.

I can learn tasks as quickly as chimpanzees and faster than dogs.

I wallow in mud to cool down

but I am a very clean animal

and don’t excrete anywhere near where I live.

I speak my own language that you cannot understand.

I am often loved as a house mate.

I like being in groups and live a long natural life in the wild or a safe home.

I enjoy interacting with people and I am very gentle.

I wish I could do and be all of those things

but I was born on a factory farm like billions of other pigs

and so I experience none of them.

I am a pig.

If I could speak

I would tell you that I spend my life

in a crowded and filthy warehouse

in a tiny metal crate.

The owners call it a farm so you won’t feel bad for me.

It’s not a farm.

My life is miserable from the day I’m born until the day I die.

In many cases, I live my entire life in a gestation crate

where I can’t even turn around.

I try to escape but can’t.

I suffer severe emotional and physical ailments

as a result of my confinement.

I have bruises all over my head and face

from trying to get out of my cage.

I bang my head against the bars.

It is analogous to living in a coffin.

I am a pig.

If I could speak I would tell you that

I don’t ever feel the warmth of another pig.

I only feel the cold metal bars of my cage

and the feces that I am forced to sleep in.

I don’t see daylight until a trucker drives me to a slaughterhouse.

I am a pig.

I am beaten often by ruthless factory farmers

who take pleasure in hearing me squeal.

I am constantly impregnated

and do not have any interaction with my piglets.

My feet are tied together so I am forced to stand all day.

When I was born, I was separated from my mother.

In the wild, I would have stayed with her for five months.

Now I am forced to have 25 piglets a year through artificial insemination

as opposed to six per year I would have in the wild.

Overcrowding and the smell of being covered in raw sewage

causes many of us to go insane

and bite each other through our cages.

Sometimes we kill each other.

It’s not our nature.

My home smells of ammonia.

I sleep on concrete.

I am tied up so I can’t even roll over.

My food is loaded with fat and antibiotics

so my owners can make more money off my size.

I am never able to forage for food as I do by instinct in the wild.

I am a pig.

I am bored and have nothing to do

so I bite my tail and the tails of others

so the factory farmers cut off our tails

without any pain killers.

It is excruciating and causes infection.

When it is time for us to be killed,

We are supposed to be stunned to death with a bolt gun

until we can’t feel pain

but often the gun is not properly charged or the stunner misses,

or we’re too big and strong for it

and it fails to work properly.

Sometimes we go through the slaughter process

sticking, skinning, dismembering, and eviscerating — alive, conscious, and kicking.

I would show you pictures

but they’re too graphic.

I am a pig.

If I could speak

I would tell you we suffer horribly.

Our death is slow and violent torture.

It can last as long as 20 minutes.

If you saw it happen,

you would probably never eat an animal like me

ever again.

That’s why what happens inside factory farms

is the best kept secret

in the world.

I am a pig.

You can dismiss me as a worthless animal.

Call me filthy even though I am clean by nature.

Say I don’t matter because I taste good to eat.

Be indifferent to my suffering.

But now you know,

I feel pain, sadness, and fear.

I suffer.

Watch videos of me squealing on the slaughter line.

See factory farmers beat me for the sake of it.

Even though I will be killed

and deprived of a humane and natural life

You now know it is wrong

and if you continue eating animals like me

when you don’t need to eat them to survive

it will be on your conscience

and you bare responsibility for the cruelty

because you’re funding it by purchasing meat

99% of which comes from factory farms


you make a decision

to live a cruelty-free life

and go vegan.

It’s much easier than you think

and it is a very fulfilling lifestyle —

healthier for you,

better for the environment,

and most of all,

does not contribute to the abuse of animals.

Please give it some thought.


I am no more meant to be eaten by you

than you are meant to be eaten by me.

The idea of eating me is a human creation for profit

not a divine one

or one born of necessity but rather choice.

If you could choose not to abuse an animal, would you?

If the choice of ending animal cruelty

meant making some simple changes in your life,

would you make them?

Forget about cultural norms.

Do what you know is right.

Align your compassionate heart and mind

with your actions.


Please stop eating pork, ham, bacon, sausage

and buying other products made from pig body parts such as leather.

I am a pig.

I’m begging you to develop the same respect for me

that you have for your dog or cat.

During the time it took you to read this message,

approximately 26,000 pigs were brutally slaughtered on factory farms.

Simply because you didn’t see it happen

doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

It did.

I am a pig.

I had only one life on this earth.

It’s too late for me

but it is not too late for you to make a change

like millions of other people

and save other animals from the life I lived.

I hope animals’ lives will begin to mean more to you now —

now that you know.

I was a pig.


Ekstrim Kuliner di Beijing

Posted in traditions with tags , , , , on April 23, 2010 by carmen4thepets

We Are Not Lions

Posted in veganism with tags , , on February 24, 2010 by carmen4thepets

In an attempt to defend meat-eating, there are those who say it’s perfectly natural for us to kill and consume other animals, and since we’re at the top of the food chain, everything and anything (or anyone) is on the menu.

These people often cite lions, tigers and bears (oh my) to back up their beliefs that humans are supposed to eat flesh, because other animals eat flesh. I can see where they’re coming from because I thought the very same thing when I was very young.

“Bears are omnivores and so are we,” I once told my then vegetarian sister. “Get the bears to stop eating meat and I’ll stop eating meat.” I thought I was so clever!

Lions kill antelopes, wolves kill deer and bears kill fish. They’re animals and we’re animals. So what’s the big deal? What’s the difference?

The difference is we are not lions, wolves or bears. We’re human beings: a different kind of animal; a MORAL animal. Lions and other carnivores don’t have morals, nor do they have a choice. If they don’t kill other animals they’ll die. They can’t survive on fruits, grains and vegetables. It’s the same for omnivores. But we can. We have other options.

Maybe once, a long time ago, we had to eat animals to survive (humans also ate other humans NOT so long ago) but we’ve learned so much since then. Today we work with lasers, communicate instantly with people on the other side of the planet and send robots to other planets. We’re in the 21st century now, not the Stone Age. We don’t need to eat animals anymore.

Some readers might say: “Yes, but we’re omnivores too!” Are we? I’m not so sure. Our physiology seems to indicate we are not, and the health implications (not to mention the environmental consequences) of consuming animal products suggest it would be wiser for all of us if we gave up meat.

And just because we can do something, like eating someone else’s flesh, doesn’t mean we should. Our bodies can also handle cocaine, heroine and crystal meth in moderate amounts, but I don’t know anyone promoting widespread psychoactive drug use.

So meat advocates can use predators to try and make their meat-eating arguments if they like but I’m more inspired by the gorillas, elephants and rhinoceroses. These amazing animals are just as strong as lions (if not stronger) and they’re all vegans. They manage to survive without killing and eating the bodies of other animals and they do just fine.

But I don’t object to predatory animals killing other animals (even though I feel bad for the victims) because, as I wrote earlier, they have no choice; it’s either do or die. Humans on the other hand do have a choice. And that’s what it all comes down to: a moral choice.

We know that killing, unless absolutely necessary, is wrong. We also know that causing unnecessary suffering to others is cruel. That’s why we have laws. If we didn’t, society couldn’t function. So we’re taught from an early age about right and wrong, do unto others, and so on for the betterment of society and the good of its members.

We’re praised when we perform acts of kindness and punished when we commit acts of violence. We’re also encouraged to work together to strengthen our communities, protect the weak and vulnerable, and help the sick and elderly. We don’t live by the law of the jungle because we don’t live in the jungle.

We can’t be part of a moral community, and reap the benefits of that community on one hand, and then justify killing and eating animals “because other animals do it.” There are no rules in nature; it’s survival of the fittest. But WE don’t live like that. If we did, there would be no law enforcement agencies, no hospitals, no charitable organizations, no social services, no mercy and no compassion.

If you want to reject civilized society and all its rules, living “red in claw and tooth” and killing what you eat go right ahead. But leave behind all the protections and benefits that come from living in a civilized society, including all those fancy gadgets. Wild animals don’t have cars, kerosene generators or high-powered rifles and neither should you.

Either we live like human beings, and accept all the rights and responsibilities that come with that, or we live like animals. It’s one or the other. We can’t have it both ways.


Teens turn vegetarian for health – their own and animals

Posted in veganism with tags , , , , , , , on January 12, 2010 by carmen4thepets

By Edgar Sanchez
Teens in the Newsroom

Vegetarianism seems to be a rising and popular trend among teens. More and more every year are taking the pledge to be meat-free.

Some people may argue that a vegetarian diet lacks proper nutrition, but according to the American Dietetic Association, “vegetarianism is the way to live a healthy life, by beating heart disease, avoiding obesity and providing great sources of protein, iron and calcium.”

Recent studies have shown that vegetarians live an average of six to 10 years longer than meat-eaters.

Although dairy products such as milk contain high amounts of calcium, there are other sources where calcium can be found, such as orange juice, soybeans, soy milk and tofu.

It’s hard to find conclusive figures on the number of vegetarians in the United States. According to a 2007 story in USA Today, a poll by Harris Interactive in 2005 found that 3 percent of Americans ages 8 to 18 were vegetarian, up 1 percent from an earlier poll.

Many teens choose a vegetarian lifestyle for their health or because they want to save animals.

Kaydee Blickenstaff, a senior at Beyer High School, said she’s a vegetarian “because of my compassion for animals.”

“Most animals are confined in very small living quarters, are beaten, and are sometimes conscious when slaughtered,” Kaydee said. “I can’t have these images running through my mind.”

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals encourages teens to switch to a vegetarian diet, for the sake of the animals and for themselves. The PETA Web site —— offers testimonials, videos and facts about vegetarianism and the consumption of animal products.

“I always thought the idea of eating meat was terrible, but I didn’t see the cruel process until my sisters and I watched a video called ‘Meet Your Meat’ on the PETA Web site,” said Theresa Ramirez, a sophomore at Johansen High. “I was closing my eyes through half of it because it was so terrible!”

The video made her change her views on the slaughtering of animals for food. By going vegetarian, “I decided I would not support the meat industry and their horrid practices,” she said.

The American Meat Institute, a trade group, says that the health and welfare of animals is a key concern of the meat and poultry industry. And the California Milk Advisory Board’s Web site,, includes a brochure on how dairy farmers care for their cows.

Becoming a vegetarian is a challenge. Some teens find the transition difficult for the first couple of months, but get used to it after a while.

Luis Valdovinos, a senior at Johansen High, said, “It was hard at first, but now the idea of eating meat is actually less appealing than it was before.”

Sometimes, teens find it too difficult of a challenge, and they break their pledge intentionally or accidentally.

“The transition was extremely difficult for me,” said Kaydee. “Once, I unknowingly ate some sort of casserole that contained meat. My stomach wasn’t used to so much grease, so I got sick.”

Judy Krizmanic, author of “A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian,” encourages teens to try it for a few days a week and gradually transition to being a vegetarian full time.

Sareeka Prakash, a junior at Johansen High, said, “I have been a vegetarian on and off for the past eight years. I did it for my religion, but I wasn’t forced to. Certain things were difficult when I went out to eat because I had a limited choice of food.”

Many restaurants in Modesto, such as Fresh Choice and Denny’s, offer a variety of vegan and vegetarian foods, such as salads, soups, pizza, Boca burgers and tofu.

Some notable vegetarian celebrities teens look up to are Paul McCartney, Pamela Anderson, Natalie Portman and Tobey Maguire.

Another vegetarian and animal rights activist, Mike D’Antonio, bassist for metalcore band Killswitch Engage, said in a recent interview with PETA, “Why should somebody have to die if I need a snack?”

Edgar Sanchez is a junior at Johansen High School and a member of The Bee’s Teens in the Newsroom journalism program

Read more:

Are You One?

Posted in veganism with tags , , , , , , , , on December 27, 2009 by carmen4thepets

I think the term “animal rights” includes things that some people label “animal welfare.” For example, I believe that

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who advocates “animal welfare” or “animal rights” who doesn’t agree with the statement:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

A whole lot of people try to make it more complicated than that. Some have some very good reasons for their nuanced opinions of animal rights/welfare. And their ideas deserve attention.

But some people who distinguish between animal rights and animal welfare have some very bad reasons for doing so. One of those bad reasons is to make vegans seem like radical extremists who take their compassion for animals too far.

Vegans are NOT radical extremists. Vegans are people who eat in a way that expresses the belief that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

Vegans are people who dress in a way that expresses the belief that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

Vegans are people who entertain themselves in a way that expresses the belief that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

Vegans are people who care for themselves in a way that expresses the belief that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

Vegans are people who live in a way that expresses the belief that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

There are millions of vegans. There are enough of us that even if you think you don’t know a vegan, chances are you do. There are even more people who want to be vegan, people who think that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

There are people who plan to go vegan, people who think that:

All animals deserve the right to live without being tortured by humans.

Maybe, you’re one.


[WAR] 12 Days of Xmas ’09: Day 2 – Support Our POWs & Fight Repression

Posted in animal liberation with tags , , , , , , on December 16, 2009 by carmen4thepets

Continue reading

Humans are Amazing…A HOLIDAY THOUGHT

Posted in animal liberation with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2009 by carmen4thepets

Aren’t humans amazing Animals? They kill wildlife – birds, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice and foxes by the million in order to protect their domestic animals and their feed.

Then they kill domestic animals by the billion and eat them. This in turn kills people by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative – and fatal – – health conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and cancer.

So then humans spend billions of dollars torturing and killing millions of more animals to look for cures for these diseases.

Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals.

Meanwhile, few people recognize the absurdity of humans, who kill so easily and violently, and once a year send out cards praying for “Peace on Earth.”

~ Revised from Old MacDonald’s Factory Farm by C. David Coates

Make meat-eaters pay: Ethicist proposes radical tax, says they’re killing themselves and the planet

Posted in animal liberation with tags , , , on November 29, 2009 by carmen4thepets


Taxes can do a lot of good. They pay for schools, parks, police and the military. But that’s not all they can do. High taxes on cigarettes have saved many lives – not only the lives of people who are discouraged from smoking as much as they would if cigarettes were cheap, but also the lives of others who spend less time passively inhaling smoke.

No reasonable person would want to abolish the tax on cigarettes. Unless, perhaps, they were proposing banning cigarettes altogether – as New York City is doing with transfats served by restaurants.

A tax on sodas containing sugar has also been under consideration, by Governor Paterson among others. In view of our obesity epidemic, and the extra burden it places on our health care system – not to mention the problems it causes on a crowded New York subway when your neighbor can’t fit into a single seat – it’s a reasonable proposal.

But in all these moves against tobacco, transfats and sodas, we’ve been ignoring the cow in the room.

That’s right, cow. We don’t eat elephants. But the reasons for a tax on beef and other meats are stronger than those for discouraging consumption of cigarettes, transfats or sugary drinks.

First, eating red meat is likely to kill you. Large studies have shown that the daily consumption of red meat increases the risk that you will die prematurely of heart disease or bowel cancer. This is now beyond serious scientific dispute. When the beef industry tries to deny the evidence, it is just repeating what the tobacco industry did 30 years ago.

Second, we have laws that ban cruelty to animals. Unfortunately in the states in which most animals are raised for meat, the agribusiness lobby is so powerful that it has carved out exemptions to the usual laws against cruelty.

The exemptions allow producers to crowd chickens, pigs and calves in stinking sheds, never letting them go outside in fresh air and sunlight, often confining them so closely that they can’t even stretch their limbs or turn around. Debeaking – cutting through the sensitive beak of a young chick with a hot blade – is standard in the egg industry.

Undercover investigations repeatedly turn up new scandals – downed cows being dragged to slaughter, workers hitting pigs with steel pipes or playing football with live chickens. We may not be able to improve the laws in those farming states, but taxes on meat would discourage people from supporting these cruel practices.

Third, industrial meat production wastes food – we feed the animals vast quantities of grains and soybeans, and they burn up most of the nutritional value of these crops just living and breathing and developing bones and other unpalatable body parts. We get back only a fraction of the food value we put into them.



That puts unnecessary pressure on our croplands and causes food prices to rise all over the world. Converting corn to biofuel has been criticized because it raises food prices for the world’s poor, but seven times as much grain gets fed to animals as is made into biofuel.

Fourth, agricultural runoff — much of it from livestock production, or from the fertilizers used to grow the grain fed to the livestock — is the biggest single source of pollution of the nation’s rivers and streams, according to the EPA. A meat tax would be an important step towards cleaner rivers. By reducing the amount of nitrogen that runs off fields in the Midwest into the Mississippi, it would also stop the vast ?dead zone? that forms in theGulf of Mexico each year.

The clincher is that taxing meat would be a highly effective way of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding catastrophic climate change.

Here’s just how bad eating meat is for global warming.

Many people think that buying locally produced food is a good way to reduce their carbon footprint. But the average American would do more for the planet by going vegetarian just one day per week than by switching to a totally local diet.

In 2006 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization surprised many people when it produced a report showing that livestock are responsible for more emissions than all forms of transportation combined. It’s now clear that that report seriously underestimated the contribution that livestock — especially ruminant animals like cattle and sheep – are making to global warming.

As a more recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has shown, over the critical next 20 years, the methane these animals produce will be almost three times as potent in warming the planet as the FAO report assumed.

Meat-eaters impose costs on others, and the more meat they eat, the greater the costs.

They push up our health insurance premiums, increase Medicare and Medicaid costs for taxpayers, pollute our rivers, threaten the survival of fishing communities in the Gulf of Mexico, push up food prices for the world’s poor, and accelerate climate change.

Red meat is the worst for global warming, but a tax on red meat alone would merely push meat-eaters to chicken, and British animal welfare expert Professor John Websterhas described the intensive chicken industry as “the single most severe, systematic example of man’s inhumanity to another sentient animal.?

So let’s start with a 50% tax on the retail value of all meat, and see what difference that makes to present consumption habits. If it is not enough to bring about the change we need, then, like cigarette taxes, it will need to go higher.

Singer is professor of bioethics at Princeton University, the author of “Animal Liberation” and the author, with Jim Masion, of “The Ethics of What We Eat.”



Fur Free Friday 2009 Weekend in New York City

Posted in animal liberation with tags , , , , on November 27, 2009 by carmen4thepets


Fur Free Friday is Here!

Join Worldwide Fur Free Friday
in New York City

Yes, we are still angry.  For years, we have educated consumers about the cruelty and pain of the fur industry.  Still every weekend, we hit the streets and see more and more fur.  Now it is time to take off the kid gloves (faux kid, of course).  Fur wearers — of the two legged variety — should beware.  It is our goal to make wearing fur on the streets of New York City unacceptable, uncomfortable and ultimately impossible….and that includes fur trim!

Following in the footsteps of the recently disbanded  CEAAAAF (Coalition of Extremely Angry & Aggressive Activists Against Fur), Win Animal Rights will carry the tradition forward, in their absence.  Last year the coalition asked:

Like your demos Bold and Belligerent?
Tired of being passive and polite?
Enjoy confrontations with asses wearing someone else’s fur?
Hate to be herded  behind a barricade?

Pissed off about AETA?

Then get off your ass and get active for the mink & for the fox…

On Friday, November 27, 2009 concerned activists everywhere across America and this year around the world, will be speaking out in defense of fur bearing animals. It is going to be our biggest Fur Free Friday in years. If you are tired of being penned in behind police barricades, prefer your activism without restrictive rules and regulations, don’t like to be chastised by demo monitors and want to join a protest that will be edgy and confrontational, while remaining totally legal, consider joining us on Fur Free Friday Weekend.

Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Fifth Avenue Fur Protests
Meet at Escada – 715 Fifth Ave.

Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Madison Avenue Fur Protests
Meet at Max Mara – 813 Madison Ave.

Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Huntingdon Life Sciences Protests (can’t forget HLS)
Meet: 279 Central Park West (88th St – Park Side)

On Friday, we might be visiting any of the following:  Escada, Prada, Fendi, Armani, Gucci, Versace and Saks Fifth Avenue
On Saturday, we might be visiting:  MaxMara, Dolce & Gabbana, Joseph, Dennis Basso, Cavalli, Burberry, Dior and Tod’s
Best of all is that we can roam Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue and stop at any store that has fur in the window or anyone wearing fur!

Note: Although we have posted meeting places, they may or may not be the actual first demo. Most likely we will meet at those locations and roam.  If you get there and there is no one around, call 1-646-267-9934 and we will try to let you know where we have gone.  If we don’t know you, you might not get an answer (sorry, security precaution).  So, new folks should try to get to the meet up spot on time.  Also, please come dressed for the cold weather, just in case….hats, gloves, scarves, hoodies, etc.. Our demos are not an hour or two….they last the entire afternoon.  Wear comfortable shoes as we will be doing a lot of walking.

To find other cities participating in Fur Free Friday visit:


USA & International:

Our New York City events are not listed on either of the above. Don’t be confused by other listings.

Undercover Investigation Reveals Cows Suffer for Land O’Lakes

Posted in holocaust, speciesism, traditions, veganism with tags , , , , , , , on November 26, 2009 by carmen4thepets

A new PETA undercover investigation inside a Land O’Lakes supplier facility in Pennsylvania has revealed routine neglect and cruelty to cows who are milked for the Fortune 250 company’s products. Over the course of several months, the investigation documented deplorable, filthy conditions for cows on the farm, such as pens that were filled with deep excrement (see video and photos), and cows who suffered from ailments and conditions so severe that they collapsed and became “downers” but were not put out of their misery or given veterinary care in a timely manner, if at all.

Land O’Lakes “inspected” the farm as recently as June 2009 and even noted that there were areas in need of cleaning (including the milking parlor walls!) but approved the facility nonetheless.

Cows on dairy factory farms are not given much more than the numbered tag that is punched through their ears to identify them. Read more about what happened to a few of the cows who lived and died miserably at one such farm.

The farm’s owner and one of his sons were caught on video electro-shocking cows who were in too much pain to stand up. One of the farmer’s sons kicked a cow and jabbed her with the blade of a pocket knife.Both the father and son have now been charged with cruelty to animals.

The dairy industry’s standard forms of cruelty also led to suffering for these cows. In order to make milking easier, cows’ tails were amputated by tightly binding them with elastic bands, causing the skin and tissue to slowly die and slough off and leaving the animals unable to swat away flies, which, in addition to tormenting the cows, also led to the spread of disease. Tail-docking is unnecessary and cruel, which is why it has been condemned by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Dairy farmers don’t allow cows―whose pregnancies last for nine months, just like human pregnancies―to spend any significant time with their calves, who are taken from their mothers shortly after birth. Cows are intelligent animals who can remember things for a long time, and they have the capacity to worry about the future.

PETA’s investigation also reveals cows and calves who were kept in pens and barns whose floors were covered with deep excrement, which caused foot and hoof problems and fostered the spread of disease. Calves rescued from the farm had pneumonia, “manure scald,” ringworm, pinkeye, and parasites. Some cows suffered respiratory distress and had pus-filled nasal discharge streaming down their faces. Abscesses were common on the farm—some of them burst and oozed pus, even as cows were being milked, as can be seen in our video.

World-renowned meat and dairy industry expert Dr. Temple Grandin, after reviewing the footage, said, “The conditions are absolutely atrocious. … It was obvious that the place was seldom cleaned and … that many sick animals were not receiving veterinary treatment. … The dairy manager totally NEGLECTED his animals. … Many animals suffer greatly.”

PETA is calling on Land O’Lakes to implement and enforce a 12-point animal welfare plan to govern all cooperative members’ dairy-farming operations, which will eliminate some of the worst abuses to cows raised for their milk. Write to Land O’Lakes President Christopher Policinski now and urge him to implement the plan today. Of course, the best way for you to help prevent cows from suffering these abuses is to go vegan and stop consuming dairy products. Explore our “Vegetarian Starter Kit” for recipes and tips to get started today.
